Our Story | Gordon Jewelers: 3rd Generation Local Jewelers in Boonville, Missouri
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Welcome to Boonville. Thanks for Visiting!


Gordon Jewelers has been in Boonville, Missouri for over 50 years, but you may not know that Gordon Jewelers is a transplant to Boonville. We started in Kansas City, Missouri in 1946 when Edward and Maxine Gordon opened their first location at 4610 Troost, Kansas City, MO. They later opened a second location at 5704 Mission Dr. Kansas City, KS in 1957. For 20 years they served the Kansas City community, and in 1965 they relocated to Boonville, Missouri.

Why Boonville? The current location, 406 Main Street, is centrally located downtown. The original store, however, was in the building next door at 408 Main Street. That building housed a harness shop in 1885. In 1892, the Pacific Express Company was located in this building. Changing business several times, the building served as a cigar factory In 1900, a Pool Hall in 1910, and became the Huber Jewelry Store in 1915. It remained Huber Jewelry until 1946 when it became Grover Jewelry. In 1958 it became Esser Jewelry.


Esser Jewelry was owned by Bernard Esser who was looking to retire. He had served the people of Boonville from 1958 until 1965 when Edward and Maxine approached him about buying the store. At that time, Edward and Maxine knew little of Boonville and its history, but they came to love what became their forever home. After Dale and Roz Gordon took over in 1982, they moved the store to its current location after some much-needed renovations.

Why Boonville? Well, we are biased, but it’s a great town. Sitting right off I-70 and the Missouri River, Boonville has a rich history dating back to the early 1800s. Like most towns, Boonville was founded on commerce, specifically the salt trade. Today it has more than 400 historical places on the National Registry.  

As Boonville's commerce grew, so did the arts. The doors opened at Thespian Hall in 1857, after 2 years of construction. Over 165 years later, you can still watch live performances. Thespian Hall is the oldest operating theater west of Virginia.



A larger community led to increased visitors. In 1905, the Hotel Frederick was built. This boutique hotel is a testament to the era of Romanesque Revival architecture. Its design and beauty make it a must see, either for a cocktail in the lounge, or to stay in one of the bespoke rooms.



Continued growth led to the railroad coming to Boonville and Katy Depot in 1911. In its day, the depot would see as many as 30 trains a day stopping in Boonville. Today the depot, the only one left out of 5 built in its style, serves as the office for the Boonville Area Chamber of Commerce. That railway, now the Katy Trail, covers 240 miles for outdoor recreation.



Every June, Boonville holds its Heritage Days event celebrating our town's history with live performances, street vendors, a parade, and events for all ages. June is a special time for us at Gordon Jewelers as well, as we were founded on June 17, 1946.



After 77 years, and in its 3rd generation of ownership, Gordon Jewelers upholds the same quality, craftsmanship, and service that this community continues to build Boonville with. We know you will love our products just as much as we love the people who make Boonville a great place for Gordon Jewelers to call home.



Links Around Boonville


Boonville Heritage Days - Boonville Chamber of Commerce

Pedaler's Jamboree - Pedaler's Jamboree (pedalersjamboree.com)

Big Muddy Folk Festival - http://www.bigmuddy.org/

Festival of the Arts - Festival of the Arts | Boonville Tourism (goboonville.com)

Steam Engine Festival - Steam Engine Festival | Boonville Tourism (goboonville.com)

Miracle on Main Street - Miracle on Main Street Festival | Boonville Tourism (goboonville.com)

Katy Trail State Park - Katy Trail State Park | Boonville Tourism (goboonville.com)

Hotel Frederick - Hotel Frederick | Historic Hotel in Boonville, Missouri

Friends of Historical Boonville - Friends of Historic Boonville : Boonville, MO | Home (friendsofhistoricboonvillemo.org)

Cooper County Historical Society - Historical Society | Cooper County Historical Society | Pilot Grove


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  • Lifetime Warranty & Jewelry Maintenance
  • 30-Day Money Back Guarantee
  • 110% Exchange Credit
  • Custom Design Services
  • In-Store and Online Shopping
  • Large Selection of Jewelry and Watches
  • Unique Gifts for Any Occasion
  • Gift Wrap Included

At Your Service

We want you to come back, seriously. We understand that little details can have a big impact on your purchase, your gift, or your event. We have 77 years of relationships and customer service under our belt, and that is something you can count on.      

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